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The story of me, being reincarnated and dying without knowing it - Web Novel

The story of me, being reincarnated and dying without knowing it.

Author: Hydraulic broken lift

Japanese Name:


Plot: Plan for 1 minute; writing time is uncertain. A specific deity causes the main character, who perishes in a car accident, to be reincarnated into a world other than Earth. His story as a isekai begin now......

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The story of me, being reincarnated and dying without knowing it.

It all began with a simple yet typical thing.

Yes, a train did strike me. 

I might have counted it as a blessing in disguise that I passed out before I felt the pain.

Is this not suicide? 

Not me, please. Even if I do, I'll need to pick a different approach.

Well, at the moment, I was astonished. I never imagined being struck by a train.……yeah? 

It sounds exactly like what I mean.Yes, as I occurred to cross in front of the railroad crossing, the train derailed and struck me. It is quite irritating.

--Do you frequently enjoy it? That's how trains are, I suppose....Oh terrible, it appears that both the train and the narrative flow have derailed.

Anyway, I passed away and spent some time wandering around as a spirit.I then heard a voice coming from somewhere.I had assumed it was most likely a woman, but it turns out that she is a goddess in charge of both life and death.

He would grant him the right to be reborn into a new life, presumably out of regret for the manner in which he had died.

I decided to seek the goddess' benevolence to take me to the celestial world since I believed it would be monotonous to keep looking down on this earth.

I was a little dismayed to see that Heaven was a lot more barren than I had anticipated, with the only intriguing sighting being a person standing on a cloud.Yes, it was finally acceptable for me to look directly at the goddess. 

I was taken aback because I truly enjoy attractive women, but I suppose all gods have attractive faces.

The goddess smiled and spoke about rebirth as I was thoroughly engrossed in her explanation.He will reportedly lose all of his current memories, and just his soul will live in an other reality.

According to legend, normal people have their souls reconstructed in order to be recycled, however in my situation, my personality doesn't appear to change other than the fact that I lose my memories.


I believe that's pretty much the same for everyone, but as long as I can continue to live my life without restriction after losing my memories, I suppose that's alright.I said the Goddess farewell after that and left for what I believed to be a new world.

★ ☆ ★strange. 

I'm still there even though I got dressed and told the goddess, "I'm going," and she sent me off to another realm.There were, in fact, a few minor differences.I constantly receive digested information on the lives of people I don't know.

"...Huh?"The goddess comes toward me with a soft grin on her face as I tilt my head, which doesn't actually exist.

Oh, did you just wake up? The celestial world, often known as the world of the gods, is where they reside. "—Not at all, Goddess. That justification was given to me a short while ago.


The goddess then gave me a perplexed expression as she turned to face me.

Are you already reincarnated?

"...Do you remember anything?"

"Oh, but you haven't done anything yet."

"No, it's true I've been reincarnated, ah," she said.The goddess continued to stare at me, as if sensing something, and soon a cold sweat began to form on her brow.

I'm extremely sorry to have to break the news to you, but I messed up the settings.

"That's what I mean," I said.

"You don't inherit your memories when you first reincarnate, but it appears that you do when the cycle of reincarnation is over, and you return to this world with those memories.

"That is to say, despite the fact that I have been reborn, I have only ever had the experience of knowing every aspect of other people's life.——What the hell is that spec?It resembles pressing the 500 million year button somewhat. 

The memories that return to me are oddly irrational, or to put it another way, they don't feel at all like my own life.

"What makes me glad is that I died as a target of numerous nations during the war, a soldier.Previous life/afterlifeI must know. Just fix it now.

"No, no! 

The soul will crumble and vanish on its own if you mess with it too frequently.

What should I do, then? 

I recently acquired a new memory.Despite being born into a middle-class family, according to my memories, I quickly became ill with an epidemic and passed away.

Does this person have authority to reincarnate?

Please pardon me! I'll end this right here.It appears that reincarnation can be ended by simply cutting off the connection with it up until the soul's structural makeup is altered.

"The cable is tangled, ugh!"

What kind of building is this? I need to move a little faster.Soon, I'll have to repeat the process.As I struggled to recall the incident, I saw an elderly man being surrounded by several people as he was about to pass away.

"You're in the midst of a major rebirth! 

You're in such remission that you're confused about what just transpired.

I need a rapid response from you, Goddess, as I'm feeling horrible about my spouse for some reason.


Goddess, did you have a pearl headpiece on?My focus was immediately pulled to the jewelry that complemented her hair so well.Such unimportant things, however, quickly vanished from my awareness unnoticed.

"Just a little more, and it's done!"


"It's real! You won't be reincarnated without your consent anymore.I can no longer put my trust in this person.I responded, "Muh!" with an excessively smug expression on my face. 

The fact that it appears like there will be a sound effect like this makes it even more unpleasant.

But what should we do? 

If this is accurate, I was simply going to give you back to the other spirits when your life came to an end.

Is sending it there acceptable? Originally, the goddess was just being courteous.

No, I'm not satisfied with it.I suppose that's what this tale was about.

"Please feel free to talk to me in the interim while I come up with a brilliant idea," the speaker said.


...Well, that's OK. Also, I feel like there's something wrong about calling it a fantastic concept. So I guess I'll ask you to listen to me talking to myself about what I'll be discussing when I am reincarnated.

I experienced my first rebirth in a difficult world where wars were erupting on a global scale.It appears that he was born before a significant world war started.

Despite coming from a comparatively rich family, the status of the world at the time pushed him to enlist in the military.

I trained my body and trained with swords and spears from an early age since my parents and I had both anticipated that this would occur.

Because of that, even though I didn't have a decent body, I continued to win battles for the military for a number of years, and before I realized it, I was quickly promoted to a particular level.

The military must have found it advantageous that I existed because I lived despite the fact that many brand-new recruits were already perish. He was dispatched to a more perilous battleground in return for a higher bounty. 

It was probably a throwaway item in the end.In contrast to the enemy's estimated several thousand men, there were just 500 of them. 

We were terminated by senior management because they thought we would lose right away.And before I knew it, the entire army was wiped out.

Ah, I see I've won. I think I've passed away.

"I believe I was thinking, "Oh my god, I'm dead,'' but I tried my best and threw a boulder from the top of the cliff onto the enemy's head, and I was able to get there."I made a worse mistake than I had anticipated.

The cliff's fall, which was ready to self-destruct, was the most important deciding factor. 

The operation to bury people alive proved successful.

Even if they survived, they would repeatedly be dispatched to the front lines, and before they knew it, the neighboring nations began to perceive them as overly aggressive.In the end, it appears that he prematurely passed away in his late 20s, wrecking other nations.

It's too strong, right?

"It just took place. Simply said, I did what I could.

"Perhaps that is the person who is hailed as a hero."

He most likely went by two identities, but he was nothing special.If I had a moniker like that, I'd be more assured in my speech.

What do the two names mean?

"God's judgment, I guess," someone said.

"Are you worshiped, I wonder? 

How will you make that happen?

Whatever others say, I just made an ant hell in the desert, a man-made avalanche in a snowy mountain, and burned down the nearby woodland where enemy soldiers were camped.

It already falls under the category of suicide bombing.I would have passed away if I hadn't done that. He didn't have any children, though, because he passed away shortly after.

"You live a peculiar existence... How about the second one then?

"Had you not made a plan?"What music are you hearing? Personally, I'd like to see action taken as soon as possible to address the current issue.Regarding the second reincarnation, there is nothing noteworthy to remark.

After all, he passed away shortly after his birth, before he was even able to recall anything.He discovered that cleanliness in that society was fatal anyway, and it got even worse after he got a high fever from a dangerous epidemic.

"Babies frequently develop fevers, but they lack the strength."

Ah, no, sleeping vomit suffocated the victim, which was the cause of death.

"Eh..."Although I just have hazy memories of it, it was unexpected. Vomit while you sleep—definitely unsettling.However, the third time was a life that I cannot speak highly enough of.I want to shorten it as much as I can because it's been a long time—80 years.

"Exciting"For entertainment, watch this guy run. I wonder whether this moron can be fired.——I come from a typical family.

There were magic and sorcery in that planet, and up to the age of 12, I went to a local normal school, where a teacher found that I had a talent for magic.

He taught me several skills when I expressed interest in them, and even provided me with a letter of recommendation so I could enroll in a magic school in the royal capital.

My parents both agreed to let me follow my wishes once I told them about it, so I ultimately decided to enroll in school.At the age of 18, he then successfully completed his education. He was a touch odd, but it appeared that he was able to keep from having to repeat a grade.After that, I began working as a magician at the royal palace, but 

I was also given the responsibility of negotiating with influential individuals from many nations as well as guarding the royal family and the royal castle.I somehow ended up getting married to a workmate.He made every effort possible, creating new spells, creating new weapons, and doing what he wanted to accomplish.

Even though there were sporadic disagreements, he did his best to keep the peace. In his senior years, his grandkids were born, and he was farewelled by everyone before taking his own life.

"It appears that you had a life free of boredom—what transpired?"I thought he stopped talking all of a sudden, but he now appears impressed.

"Good, that's for sure. Hearing such tales is pleasant.Ah, don't we hear about the experiences of humans throughout their lives when it comes to goddesses?

That's right, I came up with a wonderful concept!"She was making a joke on what I was saying when all of a sudden her eyes lit up.

Could I ask you something, please?I felt horrible at that very moment.Although he was only with her briefly, this god typically makes this expression when something is not good.


What do you think about having me reincarnate numerous times in this manner because I want to learn more about you?

"I guess the decision was made to reject it."I believe that this man ought to be sacked as soon as possible.

Where is the joke here, anyway?

The End