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Secret Letter From The Mail - Web Novel

Secret Letter From The Mail

Author: Sakuramakura

Plot: Meir felt happy when the prince spoke to her at her first party. But then, the prince's fiancée, who is the daughter of a duke, rejected him.
A few days after the party,  she realised the prince & dukes daughter meeting again.
``Her partner is being unfaithful to her. "
She got shocked,  but after a few days later a mail letter arrived & a new prince occurred out of the blue.

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Secret Letter From The Mail 

Written By: SakuraMakura

Translated By: NightFury

No matter how much you say in a letter, the person who receives it can't see your face. That's why it's better to give letters directly to someone instead of sending them through mail.


My grandmother used to say this phrase. She started as a ghostwriter and postman in the countryside and eventually became an honorary court clerk.


Mayle was born into a family called the Egret family. In this family, their job is to write letters and important documents for other people. Mayle also works as a ghostwriter. At a fancy party in the royal palace, Mayle says some things. I recalled.


I felt really happy and sentimental when His Majesty the King mentioned my grandmother's name in his speech. He had just been on stage a few minutes ago.


When the evening party began, Meir became confused and could not find his way among the many people. He left the room to take a break.

For Meil, who typically spends his time in the outer areas, this fancy party was too flashy. Most importantly, there were a lot of people and it made me feel really tired and confused.


While I was relaxing and drinking water, I heard a lot of noise coming from the hallway.


There is a pretty young man and a pretty woman coming towards us.

Her hair is shiny and blonde, and she has a beauty that looks like a queen but is also a bit masculine. It was the Crown Prince, who looked in a way that made everyone pause and stare at him.


His fiancée stands up straight behind him.

Meil quickly ran to the corner of the hallway, like a small animal, and lowered her head.


Wow, they are actually real royalty.


Meil looks at the very bright red carpet and waits calmly for the sound of footsteps to go away.


"Hmm How about you. "


I heard light footsteps getting closer, and then heavy footsteps that sounded like they were coming from the ground stopped right in front of me.


The prince and his friends went into the big room. He looked around to see if his dad's friend from the palace was there and wanted to talk to him.


At that time, Mayle suddenly couldn't breathe anymore.


A very powerful man who resembles the King a lot. A person with strong muscles in their back, arms, and thighs that look like a warrior. He was an attractive young man who became more serious when he looked at the Crown Prince, but in a different way.


"Guel, Your Highness. " can be rewritten as "Greetings, Your Highness. "


Say the person's name out loud and bend your head down quickly.


Meir, who was unfamiliar with the city streets and fancy parties at the royal palace, never expected a royal family member to come up to him.

Second Prince Guell is well-known for being more skilled in physical combat than in writing or literature, and he is often described as being similar to a bear in appearance and demeanor.


"I apologize for unexpectedly catching you off guard. "


Meiru woke up and heard a deep, nice, and soft voice.

However, he keeps looking at the carpet.

"Could you please let me see your face. "



When I slowly looked up, I saw the well-defined face of Prince Guell standing in front of me.

Even though he doesn't appear to be a prince like the first prince, he is showing his manliness very clearly.


"Perhaps a person who is related to Meika-dono. "


"Yes" means agreement or affirmation.


"I think so. Those eyes that are clear and resemble the sky are just like Meika-dono's. " Meika was very kind and took good care of me.

Meika Eaglet Meika Eaglet Mayle's grandma opened a writing store in the country, and people liked her work. Because of that, she became the only lady who helps in the court responsibilities.


Her achievements are impressive, and Mayle's dad and brother still have jobs as court clerks.


Today, I feel really small and honored. If Prince Guell feels that way, I'm sure my grandmother, who has passed away, will also be happy. "


I didn't know what to say, and my voice became quieter.

Mayle doesn't know what type of job her grandma used to do.


Even though the people around her praised Meika-dono, a member of the Egret family, to Meir, she was simply a nice grandmother.


But Meir was happy when she found out that he was well-liked by the royal family and was so famous that even his grandson, who was visiting the capital for the first time, wanted to make an effort to speak with him.

"Hey, who is that child. We should hurry. "


A word that made me feel instantly calm or relieved.

The lady who was walking behind Prince Guel a little while ago, looking uninterested, put her arm around the prince's arm as if to impress Meir.

Hello, Louise This person is the court clerk, and she is the daughter of the Egret family. "That is not polite. "


Very disrespectful

Meiru looked down again, believing that there was no opportunity.

This is a special kind of writing that originated from rural areas. She is the prince's girlfriend and the duke's daughter. 


Status means how important or respected a person is. It is the opposite of how unimportant or disrespected a person is. But even so, Prince Guel, who takes care of Meir who is not very important, made Meir feel positive about him.


Louise, however, rolled her eyes and looked bored.

Please don't feel upset or take it personally. Now, we will leave.

Louise smiled happily at Meil and stuck out her tongue secretly to hide it from Prince Guell, who was walking beside her.


Someone who is really gross and unpleasant. I don't think I can stay in a place like this.


Her dad, who works in a court, sent an invitation and told her to join, but it turned out to be a sad memory for Mayle.

Prince Guell's fiancée made a mistake for no apparent reason.

I won't go back to the royal capital ever again, and I definitely won't go to the royal palace either. It was something I chose not to do.


Meiru gets a letter when she is feeling uneasy all day.

A carrier pigeon from the Eaglet family brought it.

The Egret family created a system where they put a pigeon nest in the middle of the country. The pigeons can then carry letters from there to different places.


My grandma made something that allowed mail to be delivered really quickly. Before, it would take a few days to over 10 days to deliver mail by land.

Right now, Meir is working on creating a messenger system that uses hawks.


Right now, we are still trying it out with our companion hawk, but in the future, it will be possible to send mail in just one day or even half a day, depending on where it needs to go. Also, he thought that hawks, which are stronger than pigeons, could carry things that are not heavy.

With these tools, Mail sent a letter to the city without revealing who they were.


I took a big breath and looked at both sides of the envelope.

Prince Guell signed it and put the royal wax seal on it.

"Who are you. " can be rewritten as "Who are you. "

I was expecting a simple question but instead it continued with a line break.


We can only accept reports from people who reveal their names. Louise is the person I am engaged to. She could get in trouble for saying mean things about people, so she should stop playing tricks just for fun. She can find you and arrest you anytime.

Finally, someone scared me.


But Meiru was not scared, so she grabbed a brush and some paper.

What are you doing without being careful.


Mayle wrote a very strong statement asking people to be careful.

If you don't think the sighting information is true, provide the date, time, place, and what was happening at the time. It also had a thorough explanation of how tall the other man was.


Mayle realized that he had only written in the first letter, "Your future spouse is being unfaithful to you. "


It would be really unfortunate if my thoughts were chaotic because I feel like I need to urgently tell the prince something and I'm also worried that they will discover I am the one who sent the message.

I felt like I needed to provide more information, so I wrote a letter and put it in an envelope.


After finishing the response, Mail glanced at the letter from Prince Guell once more.


The handwriting is not nice.

I think he is also not good at using ink. There are some places where it is dripping. I found some parts that were purposely made unclear to hide mistakes.


 accidentally touched the wet ink with my arm and it made some parts look blurry.


I can understand that he is very frustrated. I'm curious if he wrote it again and again.


As we approach the scary part of the text in the second half, the writing becomes messier.


The pen tip may have broken recently.


You are thinking of Louise. She is a nice person. I want Guell to be happy.


I moved my nose near the letter and breathed in a deep breath.


It has a pleasant scent. Just what was anticipated from someone of royal status. They use really good ink.


Mayle silently placed the envelope in his desk drawer.


A couple more days passed. A letter came in the mail.


Once you make sure that the wax seal is intact, you can cut the seal and take out whatever is inside.


Your information was incorrect. Louise didn't go to Sur area that day. It seems like he was with his friends, and there were a lot of people who saw it. You're not telling the truth.


This person is not only nice.


Meir thought it was impolite, but he never spoke about it and just kept the thought in his head.


I began to like Prince Guell because of his funny and silly behavior.

I am curious if he is holding the pen correctly.

I couldn't help but feel happy when I imagined a grown-up man who people say looks like a bear sitting at his desk, holding a pen really tightly.


Also, when it comes to the traits of the other man, all men are both tall and strong.

Meir couldn't stop himself from laughing anymore. He looked like he was talking to a child because he was squinting his eyes.

Is your brother a thin man. It's sad for other men to compare themselves to you.

Meir read the letter and talked about it. Then, he ran his pen on the paper.


It is considered polite to respond to someone you don't know even if you don't know their face, name, or gender.

Mayle placed a letter in the hawk's beak while feeling happy and then softly touched its feathers.


Then, Prince Guell didn't respond for some time.

Maeru is worried about what will happen to her in the future, but her job as a ghostwriter has been taking up a lot of her time and she doesn't have as much chance to look at her mailbox.

If Prince Guell trusted Lady Louise, the secret letter might not have been a problem.


Right as I was starting to think that way, someone replied to me.

Hello How can I help you today. How are you feeling. I feel good. The cold weather has been going on for a while, and since I easily get cold, I am doing my best to handle my daily exercise routine.

Meil was very surprised and read the beginning part of the text many times.


Is someone else writing this.

I squint at the text because it has too many details that make me think a lot.

I have gotten a letter and after reading it, I have decided to end my engagement with Duke Louise's daughter.

I couldn't control my voice and it came out without me meaning to. I held onto the letter tightly as I kept reading.

It may feel awkward, but the person I was cheating on my partner with was someone from my own family. I feel really bad and I don't know what to say.

The letter was very surprising, and I couldn't stop talking about it.

The King has made plans for Miss Louise's partner to go and live in another country. We are thinking about what punishment Miss Louise will get. Because of you, the problem in the royal family has been solved. 


"Thank you very much"


The article was really good all the way through.


My writing is getting better.


I'm used to doing this thing, so I quickly realized that I wrote it, not someone else.


I'm thinking about whether it's a good idea to write something like this.

The carrier pigeons of the Eaglet family are really good, but if we lost a letter, it would be a big problem. Knowing this information and deciding to write it down in a letter took a lot of bravery, or maybe it was just plain careless.


"I want to personally say thank you to you. "

This means that they found out who sent the secret letter.


I didn't send a response to the letter.

I believe my partner is being unfaithful. I only wanted to share that information, not that I wanted to communicate with the prince.

Mayle kept reminding herself of this, as she would grab a brush at any time.


One day, when I went back to work like usual, a family member called me. As I went to say hello to them, I saw the exact person I had been thinking about right at the front door.


A happy-looking Prince Guel, who was strong, politely bowed his head.

I came to visit you. Can we have a quick conversation.

The teacup seems tiny when Prince Guell holds it.

Especially if it is a brush.


"Why are you choosing me. Did you consult with my dad. "

I got it from the list of people who were going to the nighttime event. This letter was definitely written by Miss Mail.

He said this while removing the many letters from his pocket.


What a scary and difficult job.

I really wanted to find it.

We owe everything to Miss Mail.

No I feel sorry that I possibly did something I didn't need to do. I feel better when you say that.


You made a good choice. You should feel good about yourself.

This means that His Highness had to leave Louise, who is very important to him.

The prince speaks to him straightforwardly.


I've never been mean to her as my fiancé, but I've never had any affection toward her. I am extremely unhappy with what happened. I feel better now that we are no longer connected with her.

Meir was surprised when he saw Prince Guel smiling really big, but then he started to loosen up and smile too.


Oh, I understand now. And I felt sad about having to tell her.

Mayle looked down and said, "I didn't follow what my grandmother taught me. "


"I feel the same way. " Letters can only be given to someone in person.

Prince Guel, feeling ashamed, gave another letter that he had taken out of his pocket.


Meir takes the letter that is folded and looks into the prince's eyes.

"May I open it. "



Even though I thought I had the okay, someone stopped me from opening the letter.

I am unable to do anything because I am covering my face with my hand, which is red. She is asking me to stop and wait.


I-I didn't realize you would be so worried. Were Meika and Miss Mayle doing this peacefully.


At first, I was supposed to do the same thing. I will feel embarrassed forever.

Prince Guel took a couple of big breaths, released a loud breath, and returned to sitting in his chair.


"Please take a moment to read this. " I expressed my emotions there.

Mail took the letter and carefully opened it with a serious expression.

The text was a romantic letter expressing love.


It would be awkward to have this read in front of you. The article was filled with strong emotions.

Even if you do nothing.

I thought that way, but I guess this is the person Prince Guel is talking about.


Meiru sees and feels love through beautiful words written by someone.

"That was not polite, but I was amazed by how well you write with your hand. "


"I practiced so I don't need to ask someone else to write for me anymore. "

"Is it true. I heard that the prince hardly ever asks someone to write things for him. "


Prince Guel stopped talking for a little while and then slapped himself on the cheek.


"That is not true. " I wrote a letter back to Miss Mail. I wanted to express my emotions in pretty handwriting, just like you.

Even if he didn't express it, his actions were clearly noticed.


You can almost picture what expression he has on his face while writing it.


Prince Guel quickly adds, "Oh, and. "

Miss Mayle will be honored for inventing the carrier hawk, which made delivering mail faster. If that occurs, she will go to the king's house. Miss Mayle told me a secret. 


"That's also classified information. "

I shouldn't laugh, but the more I thought about what was said, the more it sounded like an excuse. I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

I don't want to give letters to people anymore. I want to say my feelings out loud.


Then, I don't want a letter that has my feelings in it kept a secret.

Mail removed the letter from its envelope and placed it with the front side down on the desk.

"I would really enjoy reading that. "

A big, cute bear-like hand held Meiru's fragile hand tightly.

The End