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A Farmer Who Become The Guardian of the Enchanted Forest (Chapter-3)

"A Farmer Who Become The Guardian of the Enchanted Forest"

Written By: Night Fury

Chapter 3

Here is Chapter 3 - A Beast in the Woods:

Hiro walked for hours beneath the dense forest canopy, utilizing skills Fighter taught him to search for signs of the Bloodyboar. Broken branches and gouged earth told of its passing. He noted claw marks consistent with a large angry boar, yet something seemed off. The trail led deeper into uncharted woodland where sunlight barely penetrated.

After some time, Hiro came upon a small camp ransacked and torn asunder, with bloodstains everywhere. Whoever lived here did not escape the creature's wrath. He knelt down, eyes scanning for more clues. Suddenly, a strange scraping noise arose behind him. Hiro whipped around, drawing his blade instinctively - but saw only falling leaves. His heart raced as he told himself it was just the wind.

The trail grew fresher, proving he closed in on his quarry. Hiro stalked forward stealthily, taking care where he trod. A snap of dead wood shattered the stillness. He leapt aside just as a nightmarish form charged from the bushes with a bestial shriek. Hiro rolled and swept his sword up to deflect monstrous tusks inches from gutting him. Getting his first clear view, he froze in disbelief.

Before him stood no ordinary boar, but a hulking chimera - its torso was boar while the lower body merged into a powerful bull's hindquarters. Two additional bull heads jutted from its shoulders, snapping their jaws furiously. This thing should not exist in nature. Hiro gasped, shaken to his core but knowing he must defeat it. He leapt back from its next charge and observed for any weaknesses.

Through fighting style alone, Hiro discerned it was more agile than size suggested. But three heads left few blind spots, and its thick armored hide seemed impervious to blades. He dodged another stampeding lunge, getting tossed aside like a leaf. Pain lanced through Hiro's body as he struggled upright once more. Desperation set in - then he saw it. Behind one head, the nape was unprotected flesh.

His chance had come. Hiro baited the beast towards a thick tree and rolled at the last second to safety. Its exposed neck collided solidly into bark with a sickening crunch. The chimera reared back howling, one head severed limp from its neck. Thick black blood sprayed in all directions, and it pawed at the wound frantically.

Seizing the moment, Hiro whipped around and drove his sword straight through its heart from behind. A final ear-splitting squeal shook the forest before the monster collapsed, its many legs twitching weakly. Hiro stood over its prone form, covered in viscera yet feeling an odd sense of calm. He had prevailed against impossible odds through courage and awareness., just as Fighter taught him.

But doubts arose as Hiro cleaned his blade. This was no ordinary animal - its existence hinted at fell magic at work here. And what of its potential offspring if left living? He knew he must find answers. Following a hunch, Hiro tracked the corpse's trail backwards and came upon an isolated glen filled with small nests and eggs. His heart clenched seeing newborn faces peering within, confused and squeaking pathetically.

Hiro sighed, unsure of his next move. To slay the young would be an act of cruelty...yet letting them live could endanger others. Just then, a russet colored figure emerged from the shrouded treeline - a bipedal humanoid covered in thick fur and horns adorning its head. One of the fabled Beastfolk stared at Hiro with mistrustful yellow eyes.

He raised his hands peacefully. I mean the children no harm. This place is no longer safe for them, but I cannot bear to spill more innocent blood. Perhaps...you could give them a merciful end, and lay the mother to rest with dignity. After some time, the beastman gave a curt nod and set to work with grim efficiency. Hiro bowed his head in silent prayer and took his leave, hoping he did right by the forest and its inhabitants that day.

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