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The Royal Assassin & The Princess - Web Novel

The Royal Assassin & The Princess

Japanese Name: 王室の暗殺者と王女

Author: Night Fury

Plot: "Kenzo, a skilled assassin in ancient Japan, falls in love with Princess Akemi, forbidden by her tyrannical father, the king. Their secret love blossoms, but they are separated when the king's soldiers capture Akemi. Kenzo embarks on a perilous journey to rescue her, and after overcoming numerous challenges, they are reunited. Together, they escape the king's grasp, vowing to forge their own destiny filled with love and freedom."

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The Royal Assassin & The Princess

By Night Fury

In the shadows of ancient Japan, where honor and deception coexisted, there lived a legendary assassin known as Kenzo. With eyes as sharp as the blade he wielded, Kenzo was the king's most trusted weapon, a phantom in the night who executed the king's will without question.

Kenzo's life was shrouded in secrets and cloaked in darkness. He moved silently through the moonlit world, his existence known to only a few. His loyalty to the king was unwavering, his skills unmatched, and his heart encased in ice, or so he thought.

One fateful evening, Kenzo was assigned a mission that would change everything. He was to infiltrate a rival clan's stronghold, eliminate their leader, and bring back a stolen artifact that held the key to the kingdom's power.

As Kenzo slipped through the shadows, he saw her—the princess, Akemi, a vision of ethereal beauty. Her long, ebony hair cascaded like a waterfall, and her eyes held a depth that seemed to pierce his soul. She was nothing like the king he served, a cruel and tyrannical ruler.

Kenzo's heart, which he thought had turned to stone, quickened at the sight of her. He watched as she moved gracefully, like a cherry blossom caught in a gentle breeze. He knew he was doomed, for he had fallen in love with a woman he could never have.

The mission was a success, but it left Kenzo conflicted. He had stolen into Akemi's chambers to retrieve the artifact and had come dangerously close to revealing his feelings. The memory of her soft touch lingered, as did the scent of cherry blossoms that clung to her skin.

Word of the successful mission reached the king's ears, and he summoned Kenzo to his chamber. The king was a cunning man who saw more than he let on, and he suspected that his loyal assassin had betrayed him in the worst way—by falling in love with his own daughter.

"Kenzo," the king said, his voice like steel, "there are rumors that you've become enamored with someone you shouldn't have."

Kenzo bowed low, his heart pounding in his chest. "My lord, I am loyal to you above all else. I would never—"

The king's eyes narrowed. "Enough! I know what I've heard, and I know what I see. You have fallen for the princess, and such betrayal cannot be tolerated."

With a heavy heart, Kenzo knew his fate was sealed. The king's guards seized him, and he was thrown into the dungeon. He knew he would never see the light of day again, but he had no regrets. Love had found a way into his heart, thawing the ice that had encased it for so long.

As the days turned into weeks, Kenzo's thoughts were consumed by memories of Akemi. He knew she must be suffering, trapped in a loveless life as the daughter of a tyrant. He longed to see her one last time, to tell her of his love, but he knew it was impossible.

Then, one night, a miracle occurred. A small, fragile cherry blossom petal floated into his cell, carried by a gentle breeze. It was a message from Akemi.

"I know what my father has done," the message read. "Meet me at the secret cherry blossom grove by the river. We can escape together."

Kenzo's heart soared with hope. He knew the risks, but he also knew that he couldn't let this chance slip away. With the cunning of an assassin, he managed to escape from his cell, and under the cover of darkness, he made his way to the grove.

There, under the full moon and the fragrant embrace of cherry blossoms, Kenzo and Akemi were reunited. She looked at him with eyes filled with love and whispered, "I would rather be with you in darkness than in the palace with my father."

With that, they fled into the night, leaving behind the life they had known. They knew they would be hunted, but they didn't care, for they were together, bound by a love that could not be extinguished.

As they disappeared into the shadows of ancient Japan, they vowed to create their own destiny, one where love and freedom would reign supreme. 

The legendary assassin and the forbidden princess had chosen love over duty, and in each other's arms, they found a happiness that transcended the confines of their world.

After they flee together,  the king was angry and send a search party of the bravest soldiers.  After long search they found them and took the pricess away from kenzo secretly.  

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silver glow upon the dense forest where Kenzo and Princess Akemi had sought refuge. They had been on the run for weeks, their love growing stronger with each passing day, but they were always vigilant, knowing that the king would stop at nothing to reclaim his daughter.

In the heart of the forest, Kenzo and Akemi had found solace in a hidden glen, surrounded by ancient trees and the soft rustling of leaves. It was there that they had shared stolen moments of happiness, their love blossoming like the cherry blossoms that adorned the grove.

But fate had other plans. One fateful morning, as Kenzo and Akemi lay in each other's arms, they heard the distant sounds of approaching hoofbeats. Kenzo's instincts went on high alert. He knew that the king's search party had finally caught up with them.

"Princess," Kenzo whispered urgently, "we must leave, now!"

Gathering their meager belongings, they slipped deeper into the forest, trying to put as much distance as possible between themselves and their pursuers. But the search party was relentless, guided by the king's desire to reclaim his daughter.

Hours turned into days as they continued to evade capture, but exhaustion began to take its toll. Kenzo knew that they couldn't keep running forever. They needed a plan, a way to outsmart their pursuers and find a place of safety.

As they rested in a hidden cave one night, Kenzo formulated a daring plan. He would create a diversion to draw the soldiers away, allowing Akemi a chance to escape deeper into the forest. He knew it was a dangerous gambit, but it was their only hope.

The next morning, with a heavy heart, Kenzo kissed Akemi goodbye, promising that they would reunite once the danger had passed. He left her with a small, carved cherry blossom pendant, a symbol of their love and their unwavering commitment to each other.

Kenzo moved swiftly, using his assassin's skills to elude the search party's detection. He left false trails, led them on wild chases through the forest, and used every trick he knew to create confusion.

Meanwhile, Akemi made her way deeper into the forest, guided by the pendant and her love for Kenzo. She knew she had to find a place to hide, to wait for him to return. Her heart ached with longing, but she had faith in their love.

Days turned into weeks, and Kenzo's diversion took him farther from Akemi than he had ever been. He had successfully led the search party away, but now he faced the daunting task of finding his way back to her.

It was during a chance encounter with a mysterious hermit deep in the forest that Kenzo learned of Akemi's fate. The hermit spoke of a secret plan hatched by the king, one that had taken the princess away from her love.

Filled with a fierce determination, Kenzo embarked on a perilous journey to rescue Akemi. He faced treacherous terrain, battled fierce beasts, and encountered unexpected allies along the way. His love for Akemi was his guiding light, the source of his strength and courage.

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, Kenzo reached the king's hidden stronghold. With the stealth of an assassin and the heart of a lover, he infiltrated the palace and found his way to the princess's chambers.

There, in the dead of night, he whispered her name. Akemi's eyes widened in surprise and joy as she saw her beloved Kenzo standing before her. Their reunion was filled with tears, laughter, and a love that had endured against all odds.

But their escape was not without its challenges. The palace guards were alerted to their presence, and a desperate chase through the dark corridors ensued. Kenzo and Akemi fought side by side, their love and determination guiding them to freedom.

Together, they fled the palace, leaving behind the world of deception and tyranny. Hand in hand, they ventured into the unknown, their love stronger than ever, and their hearts filled with hope for a future where they could be together, forever free from the shadows of their past.

The End